The Sultan of Selangor Cup 2010 was officially launched yesterday the 9th of August 2010.
This year the match between Selangor and Singapore will be held at Stadium Shah Alam on 16th October at 9pm.
However the fan's favourites veterans game will kick off at
You will be able to see old time favourites like Zainal Abidin Hassan, Soh Chin Aun, Santokh Singh, Dollah Salleh and more for Selangor and for Singapore; Fandi Ahmad, Malek Awab, Samad Alipitchay and other heroes from an era where football was king.
Ticket prices will be a low RM5 and details of where to buy them will be out soon.
Lucky draws will be done and a myriad of other activities like a mini concert and footy related events will also be held.
ASTRO ARENA has also kindly agreed to be the official broadcaster which means the match will be telecast live.
But there is no greater thrill then to be at the stadium so see you there !!
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